Copyright (C) 1992 - 2014 Cenon GmbH Schwabstr. 45, 72108 Rottenburg, Germany eMail: Cenon is free software and is licensed under the Cenon Public License (CenPL). See the file LICENSE for details. You are allowed to use and distribute Cenon as a whole (without a charge). You are allowed to use and modify the open source codes of Cenon under the terms of the Cenon Public License (CenonPL). Cenon CAM is proprietary software of the Cenon GmbH. The name Cenon, the dragon logo, and the icons build the identity of Cenon. They belong to Cenon and may not be used in other programs without prior written permission. The artwork coming with Cenon is the property of their owners. They may not be distributed outside of Cenon without prior written permission of the respective copyright holder. All trademarks are the property of the respective owners.